Research & Projects

Bursary 2012

Christine and Linda have both been working on their fan case projects over the past year and have produced a story board of their work so far.
We enlisted the help of a friend with a computer and a program for cross-stitch, who developed the graph for Linda to follow. (Our thanks to Adrienne). I, on the other hand decided to stitch free style, and it’s turned out very interesting to see the difference in the embroideries.


The Fan cases are made of linen, stiffening and lining. They originally used, what looks like parchment to stiffen and scrim as a liner. Linda decided she would be more comfortable using 32count linen and still had to use a magnifier! I used fine linen.

We have both made changes in the designs, to personalise them. Mainly colour and the edgings. On our last visit to the Museum, we compared our embroideries to the originals, taking photographs for you to see. We will of course be making them into the Fan cases, but that is on going.


We are both very pleased with our efforts and have enjoyed the project. We look forward to completed Fan Cases to show you, by the end of the year.